วันจันทร์ที่ 6 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553


1. Why the library is important for learning process?

- Because the library provide information to users by obtaining, organizing, making available and preserving , print and non-print materials required to meet user needs. It has a lot of information knowledge include textbook, poem, magazine, cartoon and etc that we can find everything about knowledge in the library so we can bring out the knowledge to useful unless the library.

2. My experience in using a library

- If it talk about my experience in using a library that I can remember I use the library when I was 8 years old or Prathom 1. My teacher bring me to the library to find the information in the lesson and read a book and after that when I break I always go to the library with my friends so read a book include cartoon, geography that I like to read it very much or some time play game in computer. In that period it doesn't has internet. 
3. Search 5 books, 5 journals and 5 online databases from http:// library.spu.ac.th ( Identify title and call number) 

 A beautiful mind                              Call No.   QA 29.N25 น454ผ 2546
 A better life a brighter day               Call No.    BF 637.S8 อ451ห 2551
 Back to Future III                           Call No.    VME0233 .Z45B 2543
 Royal Barges                                  Call No.     R. VM 466.B3 R69 1995
 Hello America                                 Call No.    TCE0148 .P49H 1992
The Balanced Scorecard
About Ceramics
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 Digital Dissertation
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